A minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory for the students in order to
appear for the University examinations.
Students must be punctual and regular
Students must maintain decorum and discipline within the college
Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited during class hours
Students should not damage college property or the garden in any way
Indulging ragging, anti-institutional, anti-national, antisocial,
communal, immoral or political expressions and activities within the campus
is strictly prohibited
Any proven or attempt of theft within the college is a punishable
Students should always carry their ID Cards with them.
Smoking, chewing and spitting tobacco products or pan masala,
consumption of alcohol or narcotic drugs is strictly prohibited inside the
college premises.
Every student is expected to maintain the general cleanliness within the
classrooms, laboratories and the campus in general. Use college resources
including library books with care.
Students should follow notices circulated on College notice board and
website regularly.
Teachers should work wholeheartedly towards realizing the vision and
mission of the college and help in the holistic growth of the students
Teachers are expected to adhere to the Service Rules of the College and
the Department of Education
Teachers should encourage students in pursuit of studies and guide them
in using library and online resources
Teachers are expected to take part in extracurricular activities and in
the various programs organized by the college.
Every teacher has to perform some administrative tasks as and when
allocated by the College authority.
All teachers should behave with professional courtesy towards colleagues
and college authority
Teachers should not discriminate against anyone on the basis of caste,
gender, religion etc
Teachers are expected to mentor the students even outside college hours
All teachers are expected to behave in a manner which will be a credit
to the institution
Non teaching staff should be regular and punctual.
They must strictly adhere to the leave policy of the college
They should maintain the integrity of the college and avoid damage to
college property
They should behave with proper decorum and maintain the sanctity of the
Smoking, chewing tobacco etc are strictly prohibited
All non teaching staff should be familiar with fire safety regulations.
Non teaching staff should not distinguish against anyone on any basis.
All non teaching staff are expected to carry out allotted duties during
college admission, college examination etc.
Every non-teaching staff should assist the teachers and actively
participate in Sports, Cultural Activities, Socially Relevant programs,
Excursions etc. in order to ensure overall development of the students.